on dogshows 2009           back


20.12.  Clubshow at  Wangen a/ Aere  in Switzerland

Chic Choix Parade Chic -
 CAC, Junior club winner  ! 
Simbad Del Alcazar -
and now is new Champion of  Switzerland
Judge was Mr.Dr.Andreas Schemel

                                Chic Coix Parade Chic                                                     Simbad del Alcazar

06.12.  Internat. Dogshow at  WELS

Afroditte Dar Tibetu -
( owner A.Kristofik )
Judge was Mrs. Homonnai zfrom Austria
Congratulate to  Andrei and Angy !

06.12.  Internat.Dogshow at   NITRA

Uranos Dar Tibetu -
( owner A.Kacprzyk Straszak )
Judge was Mrs. L.Voláriková from Slovakia
Congratulate to Agneszka  and  Bartek !

05.12.  Internat. Dogshow at NITRA

Uranos Dar Tibetu -
( owner  A.Kacprzyk Straszak )
Judge was Mrs. Z.Jílková z ČR

25.10.  International Dog Show at ČESKÉ  BUDĚJOVICE

 Chic Choix AURELI CITTA  obtained  CAC,CACIB, BOB ! 
Merlin Dar Tibetu - CAC, CACIB
( owner  M.Hankeová )
Chic Choix Parade Chic -
Ambra Dar Tibetu -
( owner  A.Zabranská )
Afroditte Dar Tibetu -
Ex 3  ( owner  A.Kristofik )
Berta Dream of Tibet -
Ex3  ( owner  A.Netušilová )

Judge was Mrs. Ing. Alena Košťálová from Czech

Chic Choix Aurelia Cotta
                                                                                                                           Next pictures 

18.11.  Dogshow in   BRNO

Our young  female  ESTER ELEGANS Dar Tibetu obtained  next Ex 1.
Judge was Mrs. L.Ubrová from Czech.

                                                                       with owner Mrs. Nemcova

08. -  11.  10.   WORLD DOG SHOW  BRATISLAVA

EL Minja´s MAY BOY
  -   World Veteran Winner !
Judge was Mr. Machetanz Peter from Germany.

                                                                            EL Minja´s May Boy
                                                                                                                               NEXT pictures and info

03. and  04.  10.   ARAD    2x  CACIB  shows

Chic Choix Aurelia Cotta
  -   res.CAC, res.CACIB /  CAC, CACIB
Chic Choix Parade Chic -
2x CAJC, 2x Best of  Junior,
Junior Transilvanian winner

Simbad Del Alcazar - 2x CAC, 2x CACIB and  BOB,
Transilvanian winner

Judges were  :  Petru Muntean and Cristian Stefanescu from Romania

Chic  Choix  AURELIA COTTA  is new   Champion of Romania

Chic Choix PARADE CHIC  is new  Junior Champion of Romania

SIMBAD Del Alcazar  is new  Champion of Romania

Int.Ch. Chic Choix Aurelia Cotta                               Ch. Simbad Del Alcazar

30. a 31.  2009.   GIBRALTAR   2x  CACIB shows

Chic Choix Aurelia Cotta
  -   V1, CAC, CACIB   -  Certificate Crufts 2010
Chic Choix Parade Chic -
2x CAJC, 2x Best Junior -  Certif.Crufts 2010
Judges were :  Hans Van Den Berg from Holland and  Marie Thorpe from  Izrael

Chic  Choix  AURELIA COTTA is new  Champion of Gibraltar!

Chic Choix PARADE CHIC is  Junior Champion of Gibraltar !

Chic Choix Aurelia Cotta   is new   INTERNATIONAL  CHAMPION

Chic Choix Aurelia Cotta

Chic Choix Parade Chic

                                                                                          Next pictures

14. 09.   Club show of Lhasa apso club CZ at Prague

X- Boy Dar Tibetu
  -   V1, CAC,  Winner of show and  BOB !
Congratulate his owner our friend Katerina Mlotkova
Chic Choix Parade Chic  -
V1, CAJC, Primus Junior
Int.Ch. EL Minja´s May Boy  - V1,  Best veteran

Ester Elegans Dar Tibetu -
VN 1, BOB puppy
Owner is Mrs. Nemcova
Ambra Dar Tibetu -
Owner is Mrs.Zabranska

Judge was Mr.Francesco Cochetti from Italy

                                                                                 X - Boy Dar Tibetu

                             Ester Elegans Dar Tibetu                                        Int.Ch. EL Minja´s May Boy

photos :  Martina Smetanová

05 a 06. 09.   DRACULA DOG SHOW in Romania

Chic Choix Aurelia Cotta
  -   V2 /  V1, CAC, res.CACIB
Merlin Dar Tibetu - V2 / V1, CAC, res.CACIB
Chic Choix Parade Chic - 2x CAJC
Judge was  :  Tino Pehár from  Croatia  and  Daniela Radu from Romania

                                                   Rainman                                                                          Aura

                                                                             NEXT PICTURES

05.09.   Dogshow at   Rybniky - CZ

Ester Elegans Dar Tibetu  
VN 1,   BOB
Judge was  Mrs.  L.Ubrová from Czech

                                                          Ester Elegans Dar Tibetu - 4 months

30.08.   Dogshow at   SOMBOR  -   Serbia

Chic Choix Parade Chic  
  ( 9 months old ! )
Simbad Del Alcazar   -
Judge was  Mr. Miodrag Nikič from Serbia


                                       SIMBAD DEL ALCAZAR  is new CHAMPION OF SERBIA
                                                                     his owner  is  Lucia Tarkosova

29.08.   Dogshow at   ZERJANIN  -   Serbia

Chic Choix Parade Chic  
CAJC, I. BIS Junior
Simbad Del Alcazar   -
CAC, Best of male, BOB
Judge was  Mrs Evica Mišič from Serbia

                                                       I.  BIS  Junior  -   with Judge Mr. Aziri Nurija

                                                                                                            Next pictures

22.08.   Dogshow at   BRNO - LISEN

Chic Choix Parade Chic  
Winner of puppy

Simbad Del Alcazar   -
Best of male, BOB and  BOG II.
Judge was  Mr.Rehanek from Czech


16.08.    Internat.Dogshow at  LUDWIGSHAFEN

Uranos  Dar Tibetu
 CAC ,  CACIB , BOS, Winner of  Rhailand-Pfal
Judge was Mr. Erwin Deutscher from Austria

 Uranos Dar Tibetu " Toffi " is new Champion of  Germany
It is his  sixteenth  title  " Champion "

Congratulate to his owners  Agnieszka and Bartek !!!

15. a 16.08.   2x Internat.Dogshows  BRATISLAVA " Duodanube "

Merlin Dar Tibetu
2 x res. CAC , 1x  res. CACIB
Simbad Del Alcazar   -
2x CAC, 1x res.CACIB

Judges were Mr.  M.Guniš from  Slovakia and Mrs.  D.Radufrom Romania

                            Simbad Del Alcazar                                                             Merlin Dar Tibetu

                                                             SIMBAD DEL ALCAZAR  is new
  CHampion of Slovakia

                                                                                                Next pictures

09.08.  Dogshow at  Ostrava

El Minja´s May Boy
 BIS Veteran  I.místo     and     BIS II. !  
Chic Choix Aurelia Cotta   -
Best of bitch
Simbad Del Alcazar  -
Best of male
Chic Choix Parade Chic 
Win. of puppy

Judge was Mrs.Ing.A.Košťálová from Czech
EURIDIKA Šťastná Berjanka naše appenzell , on her first show Win. of  puppy class
Judge was Mrs.. Olga Dolejšová from Czech

Internat. and Multi Ch. EL Minja´s  May Boy

                                                                      Chic Choix Aurelia Cotta

                                                                               Simbad Del Alcazar

                                                                                                                                     NEXT PICTURES

09.07.  Dogshow at  Mladá Boleslav

Ambra Dar Tibetu   -
 ( owner A.Zabranska)
Arizona Dar Tibetu  -
res.CAC  ( owner  L.Kejzarova )
Axamit Dar Tibetu - Ex.2 at junior class
( owner R. Kratochvilova ).
Congratulate to all owners our lhasas
Judge was  Mr. L.Jančík

05.07.  Dogshow in  USTROŇ  - Poland

Simbad Del Alcazar  -
CAC, Best  male
( own. L.Tarkošová )
Uragán  Dar Tibetu  -
Ex.1  ( own.  S.Horáčková )
Judge was Mr. Kruczek zfrom Poland

                                                                     Simbad Del Alcazar

                                                                                                                              NEXT  PICTURES

28.06.  International dogshow in   BRNO  Intercanis 2009

Simbad Del Alcazar  -
( own. L.Tarkošová )
Merlin Dar Tibetu  -
CAC, res.CACIB  ( own. M.Hankeová)
Chic Choix Parade Chic - Ex1, BOB Puppy
ZZ Lady Dar Tibetu - CAC, res.CACIB ( own B. Klimková )
Zarien Dar Tibetu - res.CAC  ( own. B. Klimková )
Judge was Mrs. Mgr. Ovesná Jaroslava from Czech

                                                         Simbad Del Alcazar

                                                                                NEXT PICTURES FROM THE SHOW

Merlin Dar Tibetu  is new
GRAND CHAMPION of  Czech Republic
Congratulate to his owner and our friend Marcela

27.06.  International dohshow in  KRAKOW-  Poland

Simbad Del Alcazar  -
Ex. 2 

Chic Choix Parade Chic -
Ex.1, BOB puppy   
EL Minja´s May Boy - V1, BOB veteran,     BIS veteran III.
Judge was Mr. Rafael De Santiago from Porto Rico

                          May Boy with handler B. Straszak. Thank you Bartek

14.06.  Dogshow at  KLATOVY ( CZ )

Ambra  Dar Tibetu -
( owner A.Zabranská )
Bedřich Dream of Tibet -
CAJC ( owner  I.Kohoutková )
Congratulate to both owners!!!
Judge was Mr. R.First from Poland

        Ambra Dar Tibetu   is new   Junior Champion of Czech Republic
                                                     Thank you, Alena!

Ambra Dar Tibetu                                                 Bedrich Dream of Tibet

07.06.  International Digshow in  NITRA  ( SK )

 Uranos Dar Tibetu - CAC . Judge was Mrs. Vojtekova from Slovakia

URANOS Dar Tibetu   is now new Champion of Slovakia
                                  Congratulate to Agnieszka and Bartek  !

05.06.  Dogshow in SENEC  ( SK )

 Chic Choix Parade Chic  in puppy class Ex 1,
Simbad Del Alcazar  CAC

Judge was Mr. M.Guniš from Slovakia

                                               ...  about BIS puppy...

                                                                                                     Next pictures

30.05.  Club show of KTP Slovakia at Remata ( SK )

 Chic Choix Parade Chic  in puppy class Ex 1,
Uranos Dar Tibetu CAC, Winner of club KTP SK.
Thank you Bartek !
Judge was Mrs. O.Dolejsova from Czech

Chic Choix Parade Chic = Rainman


I.   Dog of the year 2008  -  KTP Slovakia

24.05.  Imternational dogshow   at   LITOMERICE  ( CZ )

Simbad Del Alcazar 
 Chic Choix Parade Chic  in puppy class Ex 1, Winner of puppy class
Ambra Dar Tibetu CAJC
Judge was Mrs. Ing.Alena Kostalova from Czech

      Simbad Del Alcazar (  owner L.Tarkosova )   Ambra Dar Tibetu with own.Alena Zabranska

                                                                             Chic Choix Parade Chic

                                                                                                                                    Next pictures

09.05.  Special dogshow  at   HLUČÍN

X- Boy Dar Tibetu -
CAC, Best male, BOB
EL Minjas May Boy - Winner of veteran and    BIS veteran III.
Chic Choix Parade Chic 
at puppy class  Ex.1 and  BIS puppy II.
ZZ Lady Dar Tibetu - CAC, Best Bitch
Zarien Dar Tibetu - CAC, Ambra Dar Tibetu - CAJC,
Simbad Del Alcazar -
CAC, Vanila Sky Dar Tibetu - res.CAC
Judge was Mr. Petr Řehánek from Czech

ICH. El Minja´s May Boy                                          Chic Choix Parade Chic

08.05.  Dogshow   KCHMPP  at  Mladá Boleslav

Simbad Del Alcazar 
CAC, Best male,
 Chic Choix Parade Chic  in puppy class Ex 1
Judge was Mrs. Dorota Zabek from Poland

Simbad Del Alcazar with me ( owner Lucie Tarkosova )

                                                                                                                                         Next pictures

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