on shows 2024                                        back


2. March  OV České Budějovice

Karma Dar Tibetu - V1, VTM
Judge was L.Jančík from ČR. Cingratulations to Petře Lorencové !

16. Februar - CACIB show  Nitra and  18. Februar - CACIB show  Nitra

Cin-Tamiu  Dar Tibetu - CAC, res.CACIB a CAC, CACIB, BOS
Congratulation to owner Andy Simon

                            Cin-Tamiu Dar Tibetu ( Emma )


7. January  CAC show  Brno

Chic Choix Tiny Jewels October Parti - Berry : CAJC, BOJ, BOS
El Minja´s Vajra - VN 1
Judge  L.Jančík


27. and 28. ledna - Duo CACIB Brno

Chantal Dar Tibetu - CAC, res.CAC, 2 x res.CACIB
Cun-Wa  Dar Tibetu - CAC, CACIB, BOB
Karma Dar Tibetu ( Dorotka ) - 2 x CAJC, J-CACIB, BOJ
Judges were  L.Zeljka, Z.Limatainen

Cun-Wa Dar Tibetu - Koleta

Chantal Dar Tibetu i Cun-Wa Dar Tibetu are new  Champion of CZ !!!
Congratulations to owners : Petr  Jirgal and  Roman Fiala

Karma Dar Tibetu ( Dorotka ) is new Junior Champion of CZ !!!
Congratulations to owner Petra Lorencova



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