Naše štěňátka v roce 2014  


litter  " W "

born :   18.12.2014

4 females and 3 males

Wendy Winie - 3,5 months

Winner´s Smile - 3,5  months

Wildwood  3,5 months


Wasabi - new home has at France

Wildwood - new home will have at Norway

Wellington - new home has at Czech

Willow - new home has at Holland

Wendy Winie - new home has at Czech

Winner´s Smile - new home has at Czech

Whitney - new home has at Holland


        5 weeks - females  :  Wendy Winie, Whitney, Willow, Winner´s Smile



5 weeks - males : Wasabi, Wellington, Wildwood

1 month




 14 days
                                                                               females :






                                                                       6 days



2 days


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